
Formed in February 2003, the BC Healthy Living Alliance (BCHLA) is a coalition of organizations that came together with the mission to improve the health of British Columbians. A fundamental and unprecedented element in the formation of the BCHLA was the agreement amongst the member organizations to focus activities on the four major risk factors which underlie much of the chronic disease through leadership that promotes physical activity, healthy eating and living smoke-free.

Collectively, BCHLA members capture the attention of over 40,000 volunteers, 4,300 health and recreation professionals, and 184 local governments across British Columbia.

The BC Healthy Living Alliance is funded through the Provincial Government. BCHLA voting members include:

Walk BC is an initiative of BCHLA's Physical Activity Strategy (PAS). PAS is a comprehensive and integrated approach to getting inactive individuals aged of 35-54 active enough to receive health benefits.



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