Throughout the province there are a number of existing walking programs that aim to get BC residents moving. These programs cater to a variety of skill levels and provide opportunities to get active individually or in a group.
/ Walk and Talk
This free 8 to 10-week activity-based program is for diabetes self-management and prevention. Participants meet weekly to learn and gain new skills from professionals such as dietitians, podiatrists, diabetes educators and fitness instructors. Each session includes a group walk where they can further engage with each other and the guest speaker. Wellness tools and resources are given out to enhance participants’ self-management toolkits. Walk and Talk empowers people to self-manage their diabetes, creates a supportive environment for individuals to engage in physical activity with their peers, and provides access to experts in a positive, proactive setting. For more information visit:
Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon Hearts in Motion Walking Club - The aim of Hearts in Motion is to encourage more people to enjoy regular physical activity by walking. The program allows participants to participate at their own pace in a safe and social environment. The target group for the Hearts in Motion Walking Club are those over 55. For more information please view the Hearts In Motion Resource Guide or visit
SportMed BC Sun Run Walk/Run Training Clinics - Sun Run InTraining clinics cater to all fitness levels, from the beginning walker wanting to get off the couch to the life runner looking for an improved 10K race time. Sun Run walk/run clinics provide a 13 week training program for those wanting to participate in the 10km event.
Online Tracking Programs - The Steps Out walking tracking program allows groups to register and log their steps online. Visit for more information.
For more information on walking contact your local recreation centre!